Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Matter of National Outrage !!!!!

             I have been told(rather strictly) to cancel all my plans for tomorrow thanks to some chuckleheaded incidence happening somewhere in the middle of another state between two groups of religious bigots with nothing better to do, to be honest i've heard about this matter and never really cared enough to even read up on what the hell was happening. As is usually the case, i rarely bother about things that happened before my birth with the possible exemption of the moon landing and some discoveries. Anyways these present situtaions have moved me to the verge of irritation due to the fact that i'm supposed to live in fear of things that may happen, and the threat is a real one, much like the impending threat of national loss of face from the up and coming common wealth games. We live under two great fears, one being the riots from the decisions thats are to be brought to light tomorrow and the second being the fear of being crushed under falling bridges and all manners of other such civic structures.
               I dont mind all this illogical infighting between the hindus and the muslims but when it means that i cant get out of the house for the fear of riots it has me peeved, very very peeved. Doing the best thing one can when peeved besides fuming i looked through what the whole hullaballoo was and failed to find a shred of sense in the whole thing. A noble builds a mosque in 1528, and 482 years later i'm stuck at home. The apparent claim being that the mosque was built on top of an important hindu religious site.
  • First off in defence of the muslims(just to show i'm not biased), if the damn place was so important why the hell was it left free for so damn long.
  • Secondly, in defence of the hindus,well their side has that fact that it was built under a mughal emperor and perhaps they didn't have much say and since their was a protest at that point in time why didn't the people in charge get off their hands and do something???
  • Thirdly, in defence of me of all the places on the sub-continent, that chuckleheaded nincompoop had to choose that exact location to build a mosque, going to show that politicians haven't changed in all of this time.
  • Fourthly in defence of both human pride and common sense, where the hell were you people for the interveening 400 years? How the hell did this thing get so freakishly big from nothingin 1952? What are the chances that this was a cheapshot taken by a bureaucratic ass trying to get the popular vote in the middle of all the turmoil that was post partition India.
                Anyway you look at it the hindu's have lost a temple, the muslims a mosque, both have built many more in the same region since then, each one lost one and saw the power of their respective religious communities and thats cause enough for truce... The Gods from both sides have not been available for comment as usual, and politicians are using the matter to gain more attention. I say to the idiots on both sides "enough with the bigotry, get your heads out of your asses and find a better use of your time." And to the filthy people caught up in the middle, those who're adjudicating the whole matter have already earned almost 70 years of popularity and hatred in equal measure but more importantly have garnished 70 years of fees, won a few elections and god knows what else they've acheived under the tables... Let there be peace if not for anything else but for "god's sake".
                For too long have we stood by and let moments at which we could uphold our national pride, the pride of our religions, and our own self respect fly by as we were too busy fighting amongst ourselves to reach out and grasp that chance. Today i ask everyone of you to handle yourselves in a nature befitting civilised men, men who deserve respect, and most importantly men who's lifves don't get unhinged at the slightest sign of an unfavourable outcome on the religious front. Today for the sake of a nation that needs you to grasp this moment i ask you to take a moment to think about what the hell you're doing before you do something, who knows that extra few seconds of thought may make all the difference, whether you're running amuck with a hockey stick or about to blow yourself up, who knows the life you save may just be your own.......


  1. gud wrk bro.. keep it up! try 2 keep it short... d 4 points are nyc!!
    nd u cudnt refrain urself frm using nincompoop in ur very 1st blog post! ;)

  2. @tanmay:- Thanks man, And ya couldn't stop myself from using it

  3. hey dude good work, wel all our sentiments is that ppl get to resolve this asap and get on with normal lives. we have given far too importance for lifeless things and its time we step up but unfortunately this isnt the end.
    Its a very nice blog keep it up!

  4. @bhuvan Thanks for the support man and ya i agree with you a 100%. Take care

  5. Nice work!! Totally agree with you ... :) one little thing please keep it Short ..:P


  7. Hi Sourav, just saw your comment on my blog, and came here to read your post, and enjoyed reading it, especially interesting to see the point of view from a younger person. I'm sharing it to my Facebook page. Just noticed this is your 1st post, of many I hope! Keep blogging!

    PS I was wondering what those numbers were, I thought maybe some technical computer stuff! Most amused to find that it's your bike :o)

  8. @nazneen:- Thanks a ton for the compliments... really means a lot... hope you keep visiting...
