Friday, October 1, 2010

Games Of Chaos !!!!

         Most mornings prior to brushing my teeth I spend few minutes going thru the newspaper; I stumble through the pages stopping occasionally to take in bits and pieces of the stories before I reach my final destination, the comic strips. In the morning these somehow put you in the right mood for the day and help you to forget your anger towards the damn alarm clock. For the past few days I haven't had to go beyond page 1 of the newspaper for my morning dose of humour.
          Few days ago a bridge being built for the upcoming common wealth games which we’re hosting(hopefully for the last time) collapsed, injuring quite a few workers and setting us much further back than even those in charge could've imagine. I’d like to know how this happens, bridges fall down all the time I’m sure, and if asked, the people in charge will throw an encyclopaedia of excuses at us, but it still begs the question how we managed to be 1575% over budget (yes that number is right) and yet accomplish next to nothing. The collapse of the bridge crushed our collective national pride like a coke can underfoot, had this been an isolated incident, recovery might’ve been possible.
           Incidents previous to this includes the shooting of Taiwanese people in Delhi, a foreign reporter who managed to slip explosives into the main stadium at Delhi after having bought it a few kilometres from the games village. Besides this there are many other smaller incidents that didn't make the first page or happened while the reporters weren't watching. I personally have nothing against Taiwanese people and am equivocal about their getting shot but I do feel bad when the whole thing reaches a point where it catches even my attention.
           Over the years we as a people been able to make progress in the outside world and have slowly squeezed ourselves in through tightly clasped arms because to be honest an open armed welcome wasn't forthcoming. As a country we are still handled with caution in the outside world and our leaders are hell bent upon smearing this improvement with shit, and I mean literally, pictures have now been spread through the Internet of the absolutely outrageous conditions of the games village, some show the human droppings of the workers that built the games village, now we're grateful for their hard work but grateful doesn't mean that the visitors want to see what you had for lunch a week ago.
            The media is wondering why such a large number of sports-people have decided not to take part in these competitions, lets recap for their sakes shall we??? Coming to India would entail risk of life and limb and possibly the total loss of one’s nasal functions
  • You risk being crushed by civil structures, or worse have one collapse while you're on top of it, I say worse only because I consider the sensation of falling to ones demise to be more disastrous than being suddenly crushed, I could be wrong.
  • You risk being shot, of-course if you aren't Taiwanese your chances improve a bit, but you're still not completely safe.
  • You may get out of your plane into the dizzying heat, only to be ushered into a room with footprints on the bed and gifts which may make you lose your senses of sight and smell immediately, or worse you risk keeping both these senses and losing your mind and will to live, of course personal opinion as to which is worse my differ.
  • If, say you survive all this (say), you risk being blown up either by people from other countries pissed at ours or by one of the half assed reporters from your own country trying to get a story.
            I’ve never been among those devoutly patriotic people with a tri-colour hat, a flag on my t-shirt, or Gandhi computer wallpaper, but I am proud to be an Indian, even though I may not say it as often as I should. Even now in face of all this international humiliation I’m still equally proud but at the same time I do feel a burning sensation of outrage.
            Now outrage will come to nothing if nothing is said or done. We have lost all chances of hosting the Olympics anytime in the future. All that can be done now is to hope that nothing else goes wrong, hope that we miraculously pull everything together in time for the games. Because in all honesty all we can hope to do now is save face. So on behalf of my countrymen and their goof ups let me offer an apology in hopes that it’ll do some good. And hope that you don’t judge.


  1. GR8 Stuff... keep it up...

  2. its a great bit of write up, I like your depth of obsevation and the humourous explanation...gud work .... keep it up!!!!!!


  3. @anonymous thanks.... hope you keep coming back>>>
